Setting Up Channel Assignments for Better Workflow: A New Method
A famous quote goes, “he who hesitates is lost.” Expanding on that; he who hesitates misses a mic cue. The number one place where I see...
Identifying Signal Flow Differentiation Between VCA’s, DCA’s, and Subgroups
Analog and digital mixers allow for controlling multiple channels as if they were one. These controls are commonly known as...
The Art of Bass EQ; Using Eight Key Frequency Ranges
Many a new bass player starts with thumping out the notes in the chords of a song. They are mixed then as low-end filler. As they...
EQ For An Acoustic Guitar
I’m behind the mixer and the pastor starts strumming a familiar sound. He starts singing and I KNOW I’ve heard the song before. I can’t...
How to Remove Audio Feedback through Equalization
Use your EQ controls for knocking down those feedback frequencies. Not all feedback is eliminated in the same way. Have you ever had...
How Do Techs Magically Pinpoint a Problem Frequency?
It takes a few attempts. So there I was, hunkered down in the sound booth with the congregation rioting around me. Two instruments were...